8iRWeiXjcKj9kUz5Tebo4_k_FtY Life with Two Special Needs Children: My Little Pity Party

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Little Pity Party

The month of April was a very difficult month for our family, seeing as how we tried to admit Cassidy to the psychiatric hospital three times in two months, two of them being within 11 days of each other, in April.

I think when you have a special needs child there are times when a parent/parents are going to get run down.  When you multiply that by three, it's not a wonder that someone would get run down.

Tony is a wonderful help with the kids and I know that he has been extra stressed at work by taking on new duties on an interim basis and having employee issues to deal with, so he needs time to unwind and there is so much chaos in our house, that there is not a lot of time.

Well, Saturday morning I ended up having a little pity party of my own and, you know what, I think it did me some good!  Now, I am not saying that this should happen on a regular basis, I'm just saying, that there are times that you just need to get it out!

I am so thankful for all of our friends that have been praying for us, listening to us and offering to help.  It is very much appreciated!!!!!

I pray that May is a much better month for our family!

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