8iRWeiXjcKj9kUz5Tebo4_k_FtY Life with Two Special Needs Children: Giveaway: $100 Paypal or Amazon - Winner Choice

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Giveaway: $100 Paypal or Amazon - Winner Choice

I am participating in the Our Mom Spot March Blog Building Co-op, where myself and 15 other bloggers have gotten together to offer a giveaway of $100 in cash or an Amazon gift care, whichever the winner would so choose.

If you are interested in entering the giveaway, please visit this link to find out more and enter the giveaway via Rafflecopter!

Life with Three Special Needs Children and/or Cassandra Sines is not responsible for non-failure on the part of Our Mom Spot to fulfill the contest obligation.

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